Plently of pictures! 1gpaddicts

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Plently of pictures! 1gpaddicts

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Plently of pictures!

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Plently of pictures! Empty Plently of pictures!

Post by luvedragon Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:14 pm

Let's see what we've got here... Some of the bigger pictures are linked as smaller pictures. Love that feature on photobucket, I don't have to save two copies anymore! Plently of pictures! Icon_biggrin
Pictures of the old, 2D/Partly 3D client:

Wonder where Oberon was at the time. I forgot that I gave Tuttie Fruttie that crazy hair. I don't think I really have any pictures of her last outfit. Nor Oberon, for that matter.
Plently of pictures! Th___00
This one's really small. Yup, I had a Sakura tree at one point. Sold it to someone for 300 gold, then about a week later, their price increased to around 1000. xD
Plently of pictures! 5968992b
I think this is from when the cactuses first came out. I loved those things so much, they were always a part of my designs.
Plently of pictures! Th_catc
Again, a pretty small picture. This was one of my favorite backgrounds.
Plently of pictures! Desktop
Bigger one, but it was before I had my other two pets. I thinks. xD
Plently of pictures! Th_snap_50
No clue why I circled there. xD
Plently of pictures! Th_roo4

My pets:
Just a bunch of my pets' pictures, old and newer.
Plently of pictures! FartingdogPlently of pictures! Gopets14Plently of pictures! Gopets11Plently of pictures! Hudsonandtutti
Plently of pictures! HudandtutPlently of pictures! Gopets10Plently of pictures! Snap_48Plently of pictures! Snap_46Plently of pictures! Oberon0Plently of pictures! Tuttiefruttie000
Plently of pictures! Hudson000Plently of pictures! PetsPlently of pictures! TuttiefruttiePlently of pictures! Phoebe0Plently of pictures! Phoebe
Plently of pictures! Th_blablasPlently of pictures! Th_gopetad
Plently of pictures! 00000Plently of pictures! 0000Plently of pictures! 000Plently of pictures! 00Plently of pictures! 0
Plently of pictures! Th_gopetpets

I'll add the rest tomorrow. Right now I've got to get a shower and get to bed. :3

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-04-25
Age : 32

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Plently of pictures! Empty Re: Plently of pictures!

Post by momtomaeghan Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:25 pm

Awww - such cute pics. Smile

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Join date : 2009-10-10
Age : 59

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Plently of pictures! Empty Re: Plently of pictures!

Post by Asynjur Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:45 am

Thanks for posting! So cute! I loved the old 2D, I also loved it when the pets just ran around on the desktop. One thing I liked about the 3D, though, was the way you could zoom in to get better screenshots of the pets. I liked the way you could customize their fur and their clothes. Never seen another program like that.

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Location : Isle of Demons

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