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Twitter - Page 2 Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Fri May 28, 2010 10:29 pm

Asynjur wrote:
yew wrote:So we can make different lists to set some of the tweets to be private, and some for public? Happy to know about this!! Very Happy

No, it's just the list is either public or private, has nothing to do with your tweets being public or private. You can make a list to viewable to all, public, like the one KittyJuan has for GoPets people. Or you can make the list so only you see who you put on it. It doesn't change who can see what you tweet, or who can see what people on the list have tweeted, either.

Thanks Asynjur! Is there any way we can set some of our tweets in private mode and some remain public?
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Twitter - Page 2 Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Asynjur Sat May 29, 2010 3:11 am

yew wrote:Thanks Asynjur! Is there any way we can set some of our tweets in private mode and some remain public?
I don't think so, can't find anything like that. Personally, I send a Direct Message for private messages to individuals, but have all my tweets public.

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Twitter - Page 2 Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Sat May 29, 2010 7:53 am

I see.. thanks Asynjur!
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Twitter - Page 2 Empty Re: Twitter

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